Where Technical Wizardry Meets Creativity

TechKaos is a performance-based online marketing and technology company focused on delivering profitable results to our clients.

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We live outside the box!

We're a resourceful team of brilliant marketers, creative content writers, and technical geniuses who combine their passions and skills to create profitable online marketing campaigns and time-saving software solutions for our clients.

Our philosophy is simple: "anything that's beautiful in the world can be measured". That's why the only metric that matters to us is Return on Investment.

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What We Do

Online Marketing

Performance-driven campaigns that produce profitable results fast!

Web App Development

Creative easy-to-use solutions designed to automate tedious tasks.

Private Consulting

Pick our brains about anything artsy to techie!

Made with Passion

Is it really good if it's not made with passion?

Trusted By

Bank of Montreal Logo
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Logo
ClickBank Logo
GlaxoSmithKline Logo
Government of Ontario Logo
Royal Bank of Canada Logo

Let's Get In Touch!

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TechKaos Inc.
PO Box 23075
Barrie, Ontario
L4N 7W8